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Crypto is a Game

Having a lot of money doesn't mean anything. Crypto dorks are a great example of this. You must have skills, connections, habits - that can only be learned via experience in the real world. But there's also no pride in watching complete RETARDS get rich, while you don't. When a game has a lot of money in it, You should play the game and crush everyone. Crypto investing is a unique phenomenon, One where mouth-breathing, pencil necks become millionaires without actually helping anyone. In the real world, you generally need to help people to make money. You need to provide ...

How Should You Invest During A Time of War?

Throughout human history, we have been threatened by various crises. Some of these crises have been financial, like the banking and currency crisis, while others have been economic, like the debt crisis and the sub-prime crisis. But, perhaps the ones that we remember most vividly are social crises like food shortages and high unemployment, along with political and international crises like the current Ukraine-Russia conflict. While global markets have mostly weathered the initial shock of the Ukraine-Russia crisis, there are quite a few learnings that we can draw from the recent conflict. Irrespective of the type of crisis, there ...


This book was weird. It calls itself “dark,” but it’s not, really, it’s more just an angsty New Adult book that has an unusually obsessive / possessive hero. The plot: Lachlan and Lyla (both 22) meet during their last year of college and fall in love. She’s got a stalker who has murdered some of her other loved ones. Lachlan is a hockey star. He’s a typical jock / player who never sleeps with the same girl twice….until he suddenly becomes obsessed with Lyla. When her stalker attacks them, Lyla runs away and changes her name, in an attempt to ...

What is non-farm payroll(NFP)?

The NFP is a monthly report that estimates the net number of jobs gained in the US in the previous month, excluding those in farms, private households, and non-profit organizations. It is usually released on the first Friday of the month, in an Employment Situation report that also includes the US unemployment rate, average hourly earnings, and participation rate. Although its importance has dimmed somewhat in recent years, the NFP is still one of the most significant economic indicators. Pundits from across the financial markets will attempt to predict the headline NFP figure each month, as well as its potential ...


Solomon Grundy, a nursery rhyme character, is known for living a life that repeats itself in a monotonous cycle. His life is a series of predictable events, starting with his birth on Monday and ending with his death on Saturday. While this character may be fictional, the concept of living a repetitive and unfulfilling life is all too real for many people. Living like Solomon Grundy means going through the motions without truly experiencing life. It means settling for mediocrity and routine instead of embracing change and growth. It means being stuck in a cycle of monotony, where each day ...

The US-China Trade War: Who Dominates Global Trade?

The ongoing trade conflict between the United States and China, initiated by former President Donald Trump in 2018, has evolved into a multifaceted geopolitical standoff driven by ideological differences. Trump's administration imposed punitive tariffs on China, citing concerns over trade deficits and allegations of unfair economic practices. Subsequently, the scope of this dispute expanded to encompass broader strategic rivalry and ideological competition. President Joe Biden has continued many of Trump's policies, emphasizing the clash between democratic principles and autocratic governance in the context of U.S.-China relations. However, the underlying rationale for the trade war has been criticized as flawed, with ...

What Backs the United States Dollar?

Prior to 1971, the US dollar was backed by gold, silver or a combination of both. In 1971, President Nixon officially ended the gold standard and made the United States dollar a fiat currency. Fiat means “let it be done” in Latin. Therefore, a “fiat currency” derives its value from government decree rather than any physical commodity. After the collapse of the gold standard in 1971, the US entered into agreements with Saudi Arabia and other oil-producing nations where they agreed to price and sell their oil exclusively in US dollars which was nicknamed Petrodollars. In return, the United States ...

The Life of Muhammad- prophet of Islam

Who Was Muhammad? Muhammad was the prophet and founder of Islam. Most of his early life was spent as a merchant. At age 40, he began to have revelations from Allah that became the basis for the Koran and the foundation of Islam. By 630 he had unified most of Arabia under a single religion. As of 2015, there are over 1.8 billion Muslims in the world who profess, “There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is his prophet.” The Life of Muhammad Muhammad was born around 570, AD in Mecca (now in Saudi Arabia). His father died before ...


Feminism, the belief in social, economic, and political equality of the sexes. Although largely originating in the West, feminism is manifested worldwide and is represented by various institutions committed to activity on behalf of women’s rights and interests. Quite simply, feminism is about all genders having equal rights and opportunities. It’s about respecting diverse women’s experiences, identities, knowledge and strengths, and striving to empower all women to realize their full rights. It’s about levelling the playing field between genders, and ensuring that diverse women and girls have the same opportunities in life available to boys and men. The first National ...


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After arriving on Wudan mountain, Priest Master Shi Yan Hui instructed me to practice Ki-zami-zuki for 100 years. Upon completion, I was ordered down the mountain and to stand in front of a large ...

April 17, 2024

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Twice a year myself and Master Po would travel to a haunted field. A field of broken dirt. Shallow graves. This place was reserved for those warriors which did not deserve rest. Murderers, cowards. ...

April 17, 2024

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After mastering Wudan, I descended from the mountain. The only way back to civilization was to cross the Xing Gou river. This river had a single bridge. A bottle neck. And this bridge had ...

April 17, 2024

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Master Po was near invincible. Immortal. ‍ I say this as it was all he ever demonstrated. Supreme power. He did however carry a scar above his left eye, exactly an inch and a ...

April 17, 2024

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In the year 644, as a young student of the Wudan style, it was my job to sweep the training area each morning. ‍ I started this job at 3:45am - and, with vigor, ...

April 17, 2024

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In the year 644, as a young student of the Wudan style, it was my job to sweep the training area each morning. ‍ I started this job at 3:45am - and, with vigor, ...

April 17, 2024

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Atop Wudan, the nights were always especially cold. We would sleep on concrete floors with strawpillows, and blankets were forbidden. Many of the students would opt to do their chores in the middle ...

April 17, 2024

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The Giza Pyramids, built to endure an eternity, have done just that. The monumental tombs are relics of Egypt's Old Kingdom era and were constructed some 4, 500 years ago. Egypt's pharaohs expected to ...

April 16, 2024

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Throughout human history, we have been threatened by various crises. Some of these crises have been financial, like the banking and currency crisis, while others have been economic, like the debt crisis and ...

April 15, 2024