The Superpower-Ramadan

Ramadan is the perfect test from God himself to see which men have self-control and which men do not. No food, no water, no touch or love of a woman

IShimwe Emile

March 12, 2024

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Ramadan is the perfect test from God himself to see which men have self-control and which men do not.

No food, no water, no touch or love of a woman from sunrise to sundown.

It's not much, 

It is not fighting your natural instinct for self-preservation by charging gunfire.

But it is enough that most men cannot do it.

Most likely you reading this could not do it.

You have not yet become a skilled adept at controlling your own mind.

How could you be?

Like most men, you never practice.

You still follow natural urges against your own will.

You do things you know you shouldn't.

You stress about things you shouldn't stress about.

Act on emotions without the ability to resist.

Emotions, stress, urges,

They are natural to FEEL them.

But to act on them should be a deliberate decision,

Not the default.

When was the last time you sat down and forced your mind to do something it didn’t want to do?

And I'm not talking about sitting down to do 50 pushups.

I mean deciding for the next hour you're going to do nonstop burpees without fail. As you force your body to move weight - to grow strong.

You should do the same mentally. 

Even something as simple as making a decision to not eat, drink or feel the touch of a woman from sunrise to sunset. 

Regardless of what you're doing or what's happening, command yourself to accomplish the very simple task.

Consider it training.

One day.

Do not fail.

And if you're successful, you're beginning to understand the power of your mind. 

As you continue to develop your control over your own mind.

You can feel full when on an empty stomach, feel quenched without a drop of water.

Make the difficult feel easy.

When you've mastered this, you can get whatever you want from life.

Nothing else will suffice.

No meditations or hope will do it.

Only by taking control over your mind will make it possible.

Until then you'll drift through life half-awake like every other loser. 

While people like me rise, shine and make God proud.


- Tate 

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