It is Time

Right now you are in THE best time to live the life you want. You just need to not follow the same path as everyone else, Everyone takes the easy

IShimwe Emile

March 14, 2024

Rating: 5

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  • Imagination
Right now you are in THE best time to live the life you want. 

You just need to not follow the same path as everyone else,

Everyone takes the easy route.

Taking for granted a brighter future,

Hoping for a dream life that comes with ease,

A fantasy that never becomes a reality.

Saving what little money they can, instead of aggressively making more.

Watching TV, playing video games, scrolling TikTok instead of focused work.

Worrying about what losers think, when their lives are proof of what not to do.

If you're reading this right now and feel a fire inside of you,

Now is the time for you to get serious.

Consciously take on more stress.

Self-inflict the pressure and weight that forges coal into a diamond.

Demand more from yourself in a shorter time frame than ever before.

Because up until now, you've wasted your life.

And only you can do something about that.

I cannot remember a single day I've woken up and not felt "stressed".

Otherwise known as - responsibility.


I have things to do, important things.

"Stress" IS LIFE. 

It bothers me zero because I built my mind to perform

A stressless life - is a meaningless existence.

You're only here on earth one time.

There are no do-overs once you die.


Before it is too late.


- Tate 

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