The World is Different Now

The world is different now. It's nothing like the past. Your pension fund isn't safe, your job isn't safe and your dollar is being abused. The "risky" moves have been

IShimwe Emile

March 20, 2024

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The world is different now.

It's nothing like the past.

Your pension fund isn't safe, your job isn't safe and your dollar is being abused.

The "risky" moves have been PROVEN to be the safest ones.

No vaccine,

Running your own business,

No degree,

Invested heavily into cryptocurrency,

Living in a foreign country,

No insurance, low tax,

Multiple passports,

The men who made these moves are fine, they're richer and more stable than ever before.

You're fucked because you went the "safe route".

You played the best moves of the past in an attempt to be successful in the present.

The world is different now.

Only the most competitive will thrive now.

You aren't going to have a work-life balance anymore.

Your do-nothing job is going to be gone soon, made irrelevant as A.I. continues to develop and your company struggles to out-compete inflation.

Your company is either going to cut the fat or go under in the next 4 years.

Your pension funds you've been paying into aren't safe, they're getting ravaged by inflation as you read this right now.

You can't afford a house and are in crippling debt.

You were a pussy and you thought you'd be safe.

You thought one more vaccine and they'd leave you alone.

You thought Tate is crazy, he works too hard, he takes too many risks.

But don't you see now?

The world is different.

The "safe" life is not safe at all.

You avoided risk and here you are in the riskiest position of all.

And it's only going to get worse as the time runs out for you to get it through your thick skull.

Tate was right.

You need to get rich NOW.

You need to be apart of your own company, possess monstrous work ethic and have a pair of balls.

And there's only one place that will give you a genuine education on how to thrive in this modern world.

Tick Tock. 

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