The Difference

Knowledge is the easy part. The difference between the men who read my emails and completely change their life. And the men who read my emails and stay a loser.

IShimwe Emile

March 20, 2024

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Knowledge is the easy part.

The difference between the men who read my emails and completely change their life.

And the men who read my emails and stay a loser.



I am telling you A.I. will become the difference between the businesses that WIN and the businesses that LOSE,

What are you doing about it?

In the next 5 years, the world is going to reach peak chaos and in the next 10 years, the world will be so regulated and controlled, that if you aren't rich you will never be rich.

What are you doing about it?

You can be told exactly what to do to expertly maximize your returns in this current crypto bull market on for only $50.

What are you doing about it?

Probably nothing, if we are all being honest.

I know you reading this are PROBABLY like everyone else.

You probably read, agree, say "That makes sense" or "Yes, I need to get ahead!" then proceed to try for 10 minutes before you go back to your normal day-to-day life.

You don't actually DO anything about the knowledge.

When I tell you that your entire demeanor, your entire aura and presence would change if you were BRAVE enough to enter the ring and fight another man in hand-to-hand combat.

You won't actually DO it, will you?

You have the perfect excuse every time.

Knowledge is the easy part.

Action is the differentiator.

Bravery is the key ingredient to greatness.


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