The truth about Success

I have NEVER seen a man who was actually focused and consistent lose at life. If I gave you a task to email me once a day every day for

IShimwe Emile

March 20, 2024

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I have NEVER seen a man who was actually focused and consistent lose at life.

If I gave you a task to email me once a day every day for 5 years, 99.99999% of you would fail.

You would find SOME excuse.

Some reason to stop.

You would fail at a task that takes one minute a day.

You would miss a day because you were sick, because you forgot.

You had a busy day, you were in the hospital, your mom died.

You would have a "good" reason for why you didn't take 1 minute to send the email.

And you see nothing wrong with that.

And that is exactly why you are so brutally average.

If you can't even do something that takes 1 minute, you can't do something that is ACTUALLY hard.

I have been working on my life every day for 38 YEARS.

I have remained focused and committed to greatness.


I've trained with broken bones.

I've worked with no signs of victory.

That is why I am me.

Consistency and focus.

I fought every day and I didn't even care if it was actually possible to become a billionaire, I just wanted to fight.

Now here I am THE TOP G.



And I know you think of yourself as the 0.00001% who actually could complete a simple 1-minute task every day for 5 years without fail.

But I also know you won't even try.

Because deep down in your heart, you know you will fail. 

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