Amateurs and Masters

When you play an amateur at chess, they know how the pieces move. But they move the pieces almost at random. Without thought. I'll try this and see what happens

IShimwe Emile

March 27, 2024

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  • Imagination
When you play an amateur at chess, they know how the pieces move.

But they move the pieces almost at random. 

Without thought.

I'll try this and see what happens on the next turn.

I need to move SOMETHING so I'll try this?


Now they're in trouble and can't get out of it.

Slowly crushed by circumstance.

The parameters of the game preventing them from making the miracle moves needed to save the king from imminent implosion.

The Grandmaster understands that prevention is better than cure.

He never allows weakness, he never needs a miracle.

He can comply fully with the law of the game and mercilessly crush all opposition, simply because he sees what his opponents DO NOT SEE.

Unmatched perspicacity.

When he moves that pawn, it's lethal.

No matter how small or insignificant the move looks, it's laced with the intent of his opponent's demise.

Money is the same.

Life is the same.

The exact same truths.

Amateurs vs Masters.

Most of you are doing things because you know it can be done and it might work? Worth a try?

Might get that loan, might get that mortgage? That's what everyone else did?

Might go to university? Might get married? I dunno lol?

A few years later you're in massive debt in a sexless marriage stuck in a house you can't afford, bankrupted financially and spiritually.

The miracle move you're looking for? Doesn't exist.

The right move is to make sure you never fuck up in the first place. Never end up with your pieces pinned down in a collapsing position.

If you don't know what you're doing with your time,

If you don't know what to do with your pieces,

I will help you.

It is why God put me on this planet. 

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